Fry meme with money to spend on EA games

EA are just missing the opportunity

Nintendo gamers have been up in arms about EA's comments it's not worth bringing games to the switch because consumers play their games on other platforms. While people have focussed on disappointment a large firm like EA have done this, I think we should be focussing on what EA are missing out on.

- 6 minutes read time


So you’ve read the news stories regarding EA right? (if you haven’t then drop yourself over to NintendoLife and read this).

Upshot is EA CEO Andrew Wilson states it’s not worth bringing games to the switch as the Nintendo Switch is more often than not a second console for people and customers just rather play EA games on their PS4s or XBox Ones.

You know what, when it comes to FIFA (the full version not the dumbed down legacy edition the switch gets) or their other big title games (Star Wars, Madden, Anthem, NBA, Sims, SimCity, etc) people would chose to play where they can get the 4k graphics. I get that.

But regardless, I think EA are missing a massive bit of business here. There is so much potential business for both new games and also ports.

Some stats

The switch currently has and install base of over 36 million units (taken from Nintendo). In February 2019, EEDAR concluded that in North America, 64% of the users were between 25 and 54 (you can see the entire breakdown here). Trend that everywhere and you’ve got over 23 million customers uncatered for.

I’d argue these players don’t always spend £50 a game. They certainly cannot be bothered with micro transactions. But you know what they love? Nostalgia. Retro goodness. Great games they played before but would play again on the go. EA you have an amazing game library. Instead of focussing on your new AAA games, why not look through the backlog, port over those older titles, give them a sensible price (big thumbs up to you Bethesda and your Doom titles) and get them out.

Games I’d pay for

To that end, I duly submit my 10 previously released EA games I would love on the switch.

burnout paradise game poster

Burnout Paradise

Burnout Paradise proved that we all come to the driving games for crashing into stuff. It's blurb at the time said unprecedented level of crash deformation allows you to experience the most explosive pile-ups in the series' history.

Released: 2008 - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Command and Conquer 3 Red Alert game poster

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3

Red Alert 3 broke new ground in the RTS genre, featuring a fully co-operative campaign while bringing back the series’ light-hearted style and classic, action-oriented gameplay. I could have picked from quite a few C&C games, but whichever was your favourite, we all agree a C&C game would be right at home on switch.

Released: 2008 - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Crysis game poster

Crysis 1 & 2

Set in 2019 (feel old anyone?) Crysis is a great first person shooter where a team of US scientists make a frightening discovery on an island in the South China Sea. With Crysis 1 & 2 both being last gen releases, a double pack would be a worthy purchase for all FPS players on the switch.

Released: 2007 & 2011 - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Dead Space game poster

Dead Space 1 & 2

If not Crysis, why not some Dead Space? Both third-person sci-fi survival horror experiences delivering psychological thrills and gruesome action, set in the cold blackness of deep space.

Released: 2008 & 2011 - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Desert Strike game poster

Desert & Jungle Strike

Apache Helicopter. Check. Smooth pixel art. Check. A shoot em up with strategic elements thrown in for good measure. Check. How much more perfect does this game need to be to come to switch?

Released: 1992 & 1993 - Platform: Multiple

Mass Effect game poster

Mass Effect 1 & 2

Yeah I'm getting a bit greedy with the double packs right? But here we have 2 great games, old enough to pose no problem processing power wise, but offering grade A action-RPG (if the G stands for goodness) that would be a day 1 purchase for so many. I mean, what more do you expect from SWKOTR developer BioWare.

Released: 2007 & 2010 - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Micro Machines game poster

Micro Machines

OK, so this is less of a remake, but I would love a remaster or a reimagining of this. I loved this game way back on my A1200 so this franchise has so many versions to chose from. Almost like a Micro Machines Ultimate (ala SSBU). Could easily be a great game for grown ups and kids alike.

Released: 2016 (most recent) - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Mirrors Edge game poster

Mirrors Edge - Labo VR Edition

OK, picture this. Mirrors Edge, but in Labo VR. Yeah, I know. You'd buy this one too. Zipping over buildings and through alleyways like a pro, getting all caught up in the 3D goodness. Something like this could really enhance labo kit sales. A proper game, level based to give you proper rests. Would suit it down to a T.

Released: 2008 - Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC

Rock Band game poster

Rock Band - Labo Edition

Another one for Labo, but not the VR this time. But could you make a cardboard guitar? Then rock out to your favourite tunes? I think you could and would. Would be a great party game, which is exactly what labo is all about.

Released: 2007 - Platform: PS2, PS3, XBOX360

SSX game poster


I've not played a snowboard game since SSX since the original on PS2. But with the right magical ingredients, which I'm sure EA could bring, I think this could be a big hit. With the original recently being released on XBOX One, it could be an easy win for EA as well.

Released: 2000 - Platform: PS2, PS3, XBOX


I think that’s an EA line up I could easily get on board with, even if my wallet would cry in pain. But, am I right? Tweet me and let me know!

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