Ergcalc responsive webapp


Ergcalc was born out of frustration. Being a keen rower scores and numbers are ever important. You can't remember them all so need a calculator. This my development and design, using a responsive website, flat design inspired logo and angular framework to create an online rowing calculator.

- 1 minute read time

About the webapp

Ergcalc was born out of frustration. Being a keen rower scores and numbers are ever important. You can’t remember them all so need a calculator.

All calculators online were embeded in large pages or non responsive. Not what you want or need when all you have to hand by a rowing machine is a phone. Ergcalc solves all the problems others gave.

Minimum requirement of the webapp

  • Must be responsive with fast load times
  • Optimised both in user interface (UI) and functionality for mobile and touch devices
  • Must be able to calculate splits, times and distance

ErgCalc webapp UI

No good webapp can live without a logo. The ErgCalc logo continues the material theme while using shapes which make the flywheel (thats the fan to you and me) of the rowing machine.

ErgCalc logo


  • Super fast loading. You want to check quickly and with well thought out coding, the sight loads supremely fast.
  • Responsive design means it’s simple to use on the device most likely to have at hand, namely the phone.
  • Clean crisp design using simple material design shadows and a strong bold colour palette.
  • Built with Angular js, purecss and attention to detail.

Try it yourself

Head on over to to try out the webapp yourself

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